- Use appropriate gender pronouns
- Slack/zoom protocol: Emojis influence other people’s opinions on the post. If you use a negative emoji on a member’s comments/opinion, clarify in the comments what you mean
- Avoid gendered language
- Use inclusive and respectful language
- 1 Mic, 1 Speaker. Show respect to the person speaking by not interrupting
- I statements: state your opinion instead of generalizing everyone else’s thoughts. Clarify who you are referring to. Avoid vague/generalizing terms like “many students”
- Challenge the idea or belief, not the person
- Mistakes are awesome, as long as we learn from them
- This is an open community, we can correct each other
- Oops! Ouch! Check in!
- Oops!: If you accidentally use a harmful term or make a harmful statement, take responsibility
- Ouch!: Not everyone in the group has the knowledge, so if someone says something that hurts you, let them know why. Call people out respectfully, and be aware of the audience when correcting each other
- Check in: Educate one another and we can all learn from our mistakes. Consider whether it is best to do this in a public or private space
- W.A.I.T. protocol: Why Am I Talking? Or Why Aren’t I Talking? If you usually answer questions or speak up, move back to give others the opportunity to talk. If you are normally someone who doesn’t speak up, this is your opportunity
- De-Acronize. Avoid over-usage of acronyms, so that we all know what someone is talking about, and to make the group a more open space for newcomers
- Be welcoming to new people and patient if they aren’t familiar with the group’s procedures
- Principle of charity: Assume good intentions of other members of the group
- Be nice. Don’t be rude to other members of the group